Bum + Body Cream: DIY

"I’ve always been passionate about ocean conservation and it’s why I became a marine scientist. Unfortunately for my skin, since I spent so much time in wetsuits, I kept getting folliculitis on my bum. Unable to find an eco-friendly solution, I started using oregano mixed with aloe and my rashes would practically vanish overnight.

 After sharing the remedy with others, I found that it worked for a variety of skin issues. Thus, Bum + Body Cream became the start of the Miami Beach Bum collection: minimal but effective formulas that prioritize the sensitive ecosystems of our skin and of our oceans at the same time." -Founder, Ayssa DiPietro 

So whether you experience bum acne like Ayssa or other body breakouts, irritations or flareups— here is how you can *almost* make our OG oregano solution at home.

What You'll Need:

  • 1/2 cup of shea butter
  • 1/4 cup of almond or jojoba oil
  • 3 tablespoons aloe vera
  • 3 tablespoons non-gmo corn starch or arrowroot powder
  • 10 drops of oregano essential oil
  • [optional] add 5-10 drops of your favorite essential oil to scent. We suggest mint, lemongrass, orange or eucalyptus. 

How to Make It:

  1. Combine shea butter, aloe and oils in a pot.
  2. Put the pot of ingredients on the stovetop at a low heat until the mixture is liquified.
  3. Add the oregano essential oil and put the mixture into the fridge until it’s solidified. Tip: After about 2 hours it should be mostly firm, and you should be able to press your thumb into the middle of it, and it should hold the indent 
  4. Combine corn starch or arrowroot with distilled water and add to the mixture
  5. [Optional] Whip with a hand mixer until the lotion is light and fluffy. It takes about 2-3 minutes.
  6. Put the lotion into containers.

Why You'll Love This Recipe: 

It has all the benefits of our oregano powered body cream, made at home with love! 

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